"We have a very dynamic and inclusive music department here at Wilson High School. I have been a part of this program since 2010, teaching the string orchestras, Symphonic Winds and Symphony Orchestra (a combination of our Symphonic Winds, Advanced Chamber Strings and Symphony Strings). I have also been known to teach a beginning guitar and piano class when the need arises.
What makes our instrumental music program stand apart is the varied depth of classes we offer (from beginning/intermediate to advanced levels), the high level of performance our groups achieve, and the close camaraderie our students develop and enjoy. Our top groups have achieved high honors, awards, and trophies for their festival performances. Our Symphony Orchestra and Symphonic winds have traveled for performances and festivals in California (World Strides San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles/Hollywood festivals), Utah (Dixie State University clinic/performance and Zion National Park tour) and New York (World Strides Festivals of Gold 2016, Carnegie Hall) We firmly believe in creating opportunities outside of the classroom for students to learn, connect, perform and grow.
Thank you for your continual support and involvement as we give young people the opportunity to study and participate in this worthy artform."
Mrs. Ellis
"Thanks for visiting our music department page. If you made it here, then you likely care about quality of music education available to the students at Wilson.
Rest assured, I am well aware of the positive impact a thriving music program can have on students' overall happiness and success during school and in life. For that reason, I have dedicated my life to becoming the best music educator and leader possible. I genuinely care about each and every student who comes through my door and will push them to achieve more then they believe possible.
At Wilson Music, there is a place for every student who wants to participate, no matter their experience or playing level. Our entry level classes have been the springboard for some of our most successful musicians. Our intermediate and advanced level classes are open to all students, regardless of grade level. This is not the case at all schools.
It is a true pleasure teaching the students at Wilson High School. Great things are ahead!
Mr. Hamilton
Ms. Ellis teaches Intermediate Orchestra, String Orchestra, Symphony Strings, Symphonic Winds, Advanced Chamber Strings and Symphony Orchestra. She is a product of LBUSD schools, Fremont, Jefferson, Wilson, LBCC and has her BA of Music for Violin Performance from CSULB. She taught at Rogers 1998-2001 and Wilson HS since 2010.
Kevin Hamilton is the director of bands for Wilson High School and the Long Beach Summer Music Academy. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in 2000 from UCLA and Master of Music degree in 2010 from Sam Houston State University. He currently teaches the Wilson Marching Band and Color Guard, Symphonic Winds, the Wilson Jazz Band, Band 1-2, and two beginning piano courses.
Mr. Hamilton has spent 22 years teaching band and orchestra for the Long Beach Unified School District, first as an assistant director at Millikan High School, then as teacher at both Rogers Middle School and Lowell Elementary School, and then solely at Rogers Middle School. At Rogers, he built his reputation as a passionate, student-centered teacher with the skills necessary to help students perform beyond their years. He attributes his success to the valuable mentorship of Long Beach teaching legends, Andrew Osman (Poly H.S.), Dr. Gary Scott (LBCC) and Roger Johnson (LBCC), as well as longtime UCLA Band Director, Gordon Henderson.
Mr. Hamilton’s career achievements include being a two-time recipient of the Long Beach Council PTA’s “Teacher of the Year” Award (2007-2008 and 2018-2019), receiving a National Band Association Citation of Excellence (2018), being awarded the Southern California School Band and Orchestra Association Gold Award (2022), and receiving a lifetime achievement award from the Rogers Middle School PTA (2023). He has been a National Board Certified Teacher since 2018
Mr. Hamilton is a product of the LBUSD, Holmes Elementary, Mark Twain Elementary, Bancroft Middle School, and Lakewood High School.
Assistant Orchestra Director
Matt Brislawn, affectionately and abbreviatedly known as 'Mr. B', was educated in the
Long Beach school system, and has been proud to continue working with young people in music education at Wilson High School since 1997. He is also very active as a working violinist in several area symphony and chamber orchestras, and enjoys fiddling with a local Long Beach Irish band, the Whooligans. Matt also teaches privately on the violin, viola, mandolin and guitar; and enjoys doing crossword puzzles in ink. Matt has been here for over 20 years as violin/viola coach and assistant.
Assistant Winds Director
Joanna Moody, Kari Arrieta, Jonah Batac, Cameron Gandara, Ethan Gathe